Gay Weddings / Bodas Homosexuales
Desde hace poco tiempo en Islandia y algo más de un año en España las personas del mismo sexo pueden casarse, pero sigue habiendo controversia. El Partido Popular español está en contra de esta ley porque cree que no debe llamarse 'matrimonio', estoy completamente de acuerdo pero voy más allá. Realmente ellos se oponen porque una parte de su electorado es 'conservador católico' y no lo ve con buenos ojos, la palabra 'matrimonio' es sólo la excusa. El Matrimonio es realmente un término religioso como lo es el bautismo o la comunión que no debería utilizarse fuera de este ámbito. Los matrimonios civiles sean de diferente sexo o no, son realmente 'uniones civiles' y ese es el término que debería utilizarse o cualquier otro que designe este hecho. No tenemos que olvidar que hoy en día la religión y el Estado están separados y no podemos caer en el error de utilizar términos religiosos para designar situaciones civiles.
En el día de hoy, el alcalde de Madrid, una de las personas con más notoriedad del Partido Popular, ha casado a dos hombres uno de ellos militante del Partido Popular. Ésto es noticia porque hasta el día de hoy el alcalde había declinado tal responsabilidad en otras personas pero por fin se ha atrevido a enfrentarse a su partido y hacer valer sus convicciones. No sólo el Partido Popular ha puesto el grito en el cielo, por lo que él representa a nivel público, sino que incluso la Iglesia Católica ha lanzado una cruzada en su contra permitiéndose incluso exigir a todos los católicos, incluídos los que tienen responsabilidades civiles, que actúen según sus creencias religiosas y no según la ley. ¿Cuándo se va a enterar la Iglesia Católica que ya no vivimos en un Estado confesional? ¿Cuándo se percatará el Partido Popular de cuánto se está alejando del mundo real?
Gallardón es el nuevo Partido Popular y yo estoy detrás de él pero siempre con capacidad crítica y sin borreguismo. Por favor PP, dejad pasar a los que realmente deben ser el presente y futuro de este partido.
Por cierto un tirón de orejas a los países escandinavos, entre ellos por supuesto Islandia, ¿cuándo quitaréis la cruz de vuestra bandera? ¡¡Ya estamos en el siglo XXI!!. La religión y el Estado no son lo mismo.
A short time ago in Iceland and more than a year in Spain people of the same sex can marry, but the controversy goes on. Partido Popular (PP), the largest minority party in Spain, is against this law because they think that the word 'matrimonio' (marriage) is not correct in this case, and I agree completely but I go beyond. Really they are opposed because a part of their electorate is 'catholic conservative' and they don't like it, the word 'marriage' is only an excuse. The Marriage is really a religous term like baptism or communion and should not be in use out of this area. The civil marriages, same sex or not, are really 'civil unions' and this is the term that should be in use or any other that designates this fact. We musn't forget that nowadays the religion and the State are separated and we can't fall down in the mistake of using religious terms to designate civil situations.
Today the mayor of Madrid, one of the most popular members in PP, married two men, one of them militant of Partido Popular. This is news because until now the mayor had declined this responsibility to other people but finally he has dared to face his party and be worth his convictions. Not only Partido Popular is in a complete shock, for what he represents at public level, but even the Catholic Church has launched a crusade against Gallardón (the mayor) demanding that all the catholics, even people with civil responsibilities, must act according to their religious beliefs and not according to the law. Does the Catholic Church know that Spain is not a Denominational State? When will Partido Popular realize how far from the real world they are?
Gallardón is the new Partido Popular and I follow him but always with critical capacity and with my own opinions. Please PP, people want new faces with new thoughts that will be the present and the future of the party.
One more thing, a question for the Scandinavian countries, between them certainly Iceland, when will you remove the cross from your flag? We are already in the XXI century!!! The religion and the State are not the same thing.
Today the mayor of Madrid, one of the most popular members in PP, married two men, one of them militant of Partido Popular. This is news because until now the mayor had declined this responsibility to other people but finally he has dared to face his party and be worth his convictions. Not only Partido Popular is in a complete shock, for what he represents at public level, but even the Catholic Church has launched a crusade against Gallardón (the mayor) demanding that all the catholics, even people with civil responsibilities, must act according to their religious beliefs and not according to the law. Does the Catholic Church know that Spain is not a Denominational State? When will Partido Popular realize how far from the real world they are?
Gallardón is the new Partido Popular and I follow him but always with critical capacity and with my own opinions. Please PP, people want new faces with new thoughts that will be the present and the future of the party.
One more thing, a question for the Scandinavian countries, between them certainly Iceland, when will you remove the cross from your flag? We are already in the XXI century!!! The religion and the State are not the same thing.
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